
Create your own book

What is self-publishing?

Everyone has a story to tell. Self-publishing allows you to publish and market your own book, enabling you to produce affordable quantities. You pay for what you require, maximising profitability.

Mills Design will craft your words into print and ebooks, blending typographic solutions with creative book design.

Self-publishing your book

Your manuscript could be a lifetime’s work or a swift monograph on a popular topic. Self-publishing covers a wide range of genre and Mills Design can make your dream of self-publishing your own book a reality.

Your book could be a:


family history novel sports club history
family legacy school history sports rule book
history book business history health book
children's book travel diary fitness book
short stories book photo story  biography
poetry book song book   gardening book
recipe book comic book DIY book

Why self-publish?

Mills Design makes the process of self-publishing your book straightforward and enjoyable, transforming your manuscript into a well-designed and printed bound book.

A more affordable print option to digital and offset printing is True Press printing technology, a high speed web-fed inkjet press, making full colour (or black only) affordable and fast.

Get your self-publishing quote today!